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First Real Day of Work

     Money is always an issue. Especially for someone who spends 99% of their earnings at Adele's. A few months ago, I realized that if I wanted to move out and be independent by the beginning of next year, I would have to pick up a second job. Living in Sonoma county, wine related jobs weren't hard to find. I decided to work for my fathers company, Wine Industry Network.
     Wine Industry Network is a website that "connects buyers to suppliers" as my Dad likes to say. Basically, it's a business resource for the wine industry. Winery and viticulture professionals use WIN for free to research products and services from premium industry suppliers, find contact and product information, and receive free supplier news, deals, and updates through the bi-weekly Product and Services News email in one or more of the professional categories. So, for example, if you owned a company that sold corks, you could make an account on WIN. Then, you would have a profile where you could upload articles to be emailed to potential customers, your contact information would be publicized, and more business will come your way.
     I first came into work last month. I worked two separate days to complete a project regarding a ton of returned mail. Basically, they had me check that every envelope had the correct address. It was TOTALLY ENTHRALLING. I didn't work over spring break, but picked up again last week. I had a meeting with the staff about my hours, and what kind of jobs I would be doing. Today was my first real day. I spent my afternoon researching different wine companies, from Wine Solids Management to PureTin Capsules, and finding news articles that were related to their companies. It was actually pretty neat. I learned a ton about different aspects of the wine industry. The production of quality wine is way harder than you'd think! Also I learned what wine lees was. ew.
Overall, it was a good first day!


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